Call for Choir Wojciech Kosma seeks singers to join choir for 6 performances through March and April during upcoming exhibition at Galerie Molitor

Before the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, I wrote a poem with the line “I zaśpiewali: bojący wszystkich krajów łączmy się” (And they sang: the afraid of all lands unite). At the time, in Poland we were protesting against a new near-ban on abortion and mourning many queer lives cut short by suicide. A shared fear of the violent majority felt omnipresent. But it was just this past summer, in ever mounting anxiety, when I wondered what this song would sound like? How does it sound to sing, “the afraid of all lands unite” ?

On the occasion of my upcoming show at Galerie Molitor in Berlin, I'd like to call into being a choir to sing it. I found a melody and with it a form: the fear was only the start. The song accesses sensation and feeling as a way to unite. It will be lengthy, like a ritual or a mass. It will make it possible to stay with feelings by sensing and singing together.

To honour this origin story, I will call the choir BWŁKS. I'm looking for singers to join— “singers” points only to a willingness to sing, this is not a professional choir. BWŁKS will sing in Eastern European languages. If you speak one and can lead, that's especially helpful, but if not, that’s also okay. We will be learning.

There will be 6 performances on Friday, March 3, at the opening, and on Saturdays in March - April at Galerie Molitor in Schöneberg. There will be a few rehearsals in February as well. The performers will be paid an hourly rate. It is necessary to be able to attend all performances in order to participate.

If you'd like to join, please write with a few words about yourself and links to any relevant experience. I'd also really appreciate it if you could share this call with anyone who might be interested.