Jesse Darling Zine SHOWGIRLS Published by Arcadia Missa, Chapter NY Sultana and Galerie Molitor

In this photo zine, artist Jesse Darling, filmmaker Oscar Oldershaw and photographer Joseph Campbell go on a road trip across the UK. With photographs taken during the filming of Site Visit, commissioned by Tate Film, and new writing by Darling, ‘SHOWGIRLS’ is a journey without a final destination, but one that hints at just how complicated and connected, how wonderful and terrible everything is This zine was commissioned on the occasion of Darling’s nomination for the 2023 Turner Prize, hosted by Towner Eastbourne

Order by email or order online here Published by Arcadia Missa with support from Chapter NY, Molitor & Sultana Design by Sam Ashby 2023 40 pages 175x130mm